Maven polyglot : replacing pom.xml with scala or groovy build script

Goal of this example This example demonstrates how to create a Maven project that uses build script written in Groovy, Scala or Clojure instead of pom.xml. This is possible by using Maven Polyglot that is an official extension of Maven

Maven polyglot : replacing pom.xml with scala or groovy build script

Goal of this example This example demonstrates how to create a Maven project that uses build script written in Groovy, Scala or Clojure instead of pom.xml. This is possible by using Maven Polyglot that is an official extension of Maven

Spring Boot AWS Elastic Beanstalk example

Goal of this example This example demonstrates how to deploy a Spring boot based application to Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Elastic Beanstalk. The topics covered are : Deploying the official way using CLI Deploying using the unofficial maven plugin

Spring Boot AWS Elastic Beanstalk example

Goal of this example This example demonstrates how to deploy a Spring boot based application to Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Elastic Beanstalk. The topics covered are : Deploying the official way using CLI Deploying using the unofficial maven plugin

Spring Boot Heroku example

Goal of this example This example demonstrates the deployment options of Spring boot applications to heroku. The topics covered are : Deploy using Heroku CLI Deploy using Heroku maven plugin Deploying jar file without uploading the source code Spring boot configuration

Spring Boot Heroku example

Goal of this example This example demonstrates the deployment options of Spring boot applications to heroku. The topics covered are : Deploy using Heroku CLI Deploy using Heroku maven plugin Deploying jar file without uploading the source code Spring boot configuration

Spring Cloud Zuul example

Goal of this example This example demonstrates the main features of the Zuul API gateway integrated into spring cloud : Service auto registration via eureka Service registration by address Service registration by service ID Filters (logging, authentication) Serving static content

Spring Cloud Zuul example

Goal of this example This example demonstrates the main features of the Zuul API gateway integrated into spring cloud : Service auto registration via eureka Service registration by address Service registration by service ID Filters (logging, authentication) Serving static content

Spring Cloud Hystrix example

Goal of this example This example shows how to implement the following microservice patterns and techniques using Hystrix: Circuit breaker Request collapser Fallback Monitoring / dashboard Caching Technology Used Spring boot 1.3.5.RELEASE Eureka Hystrix This article is part of a Spring Cloud /

Spring Cloud Hystrix example

Goal of this example This example shows how to implement the following microservice patterns and techniques using Hystrix: Circuit breaker Request collapser Fallback Monitoring / dashboard Caching Technology Used Spring boot 1.3.5.RELEASE Eureka Hystrix This article is part of a Spring Cloud /

Spring Cloud, Eureka, Ribbon, Feign example

Goal of this example This example explains one of the most important microservice pattern, the service registry. As a related topic we will cover the topics of client side load balancing and declarative rest clients. Technology Used Spring boot 1.3.5.RELEASE

Spring Cloud, Eureka, Ribbon, Feign example

Goal of this example This example explains one of the most important microservice pattern, the service registry. As a related topic we will cover the topics of client side load balancing and declarative rest clients. Technology Used Spring boot 1.3.5.RELEASE

Microservice ecosystem with Docker, Spring Cloud and Spring Boot

Goal of this example This example shows how to create a “microservice ecosystem” from dockerized spring boot applications. The services are accessible internally inside docker, but external access is only in a controlled way through an API Gateway. Inside the “ecosystem” the

Microservice ecosystem with Docker, Spring Cloud and Spring Boot

Goal of this example This example shows how to create a “microservice ecosystem” from dockerized spring boot applications. The services are accessible internally inside docker, but external access is only in a controlled way through an API Gateway. Inside the “ecosystem” the

Spring hateoas example

Goal of this example Spring HATEOAS is the de facto standard to generate Hypermedia controls aware REST API using Spring MVC. Reading the official getting started makes the impression that domain from which json is generated has to extend HATEOAS specific

Spring hateoas example

Goal of this example Spring HATEOAS is the de facto standard to generate Hypermedia controls aware REST API using Spring MVC. Reading the official getting started makes the impression that domain from which json is generated has to extend HATEOAS specific

Java 8 Date-Time API Example

Goal of this example It sounds like a typical interview question : “How many ways Java has to represent a Date or Time?” With the arrival of the new Date-Time API in Java 8 the answer becomes more difficult. Let’s

Java 8 Date-Time API Example

Goal of this example It sounds like a typical interview question : “How many ways Java has to represent a Date or Time?” With the arrival of the new Date-Time API in Java 8 the answer becomes more difficult. Let’s

FreeMarker example

Goal of this example FreeMarker is a general purpose string templating engine. It is quite commonly used to generate HTML and it is well documented how to integrate it with spring as a view generator. This example shows how to use it directly.

FreeMarker example

Goal of this example FreeMarker is a general purpose string templating engine. It is quite commonly used to generate HTML and it is well documented how to integrate it with spring as a view generator. This example shows how to use it directly.